Adding Files to your Minga

Minga is a great way to share Files with your community!

Permission Level: Owner | Manager
Minga is a great way to share Files with your community! There are two places you can choose to share files:
  • On the Main Feed
  • In a Group
To share a file with your entire Minga, go to the Files tab in the right-hand menu.
The Files page displays a list of every File that has been posted on the Main Feed. To add a file, click on the Add File button in the top-right. 
Screenshot 2024-04-22 at 11.39.23 AM
You will then be prompted to select a file, which you can then rename prior to uploading. Files you upload here are will appear in two places:
  • As an item in the Main Feed
  • As an item on the Files page

 Adding files to a group

If you are an owner of a group you can add files directly into your group so all the members of your group can go to one area for all their information. 
  1. Go to Groups
  2. In My Groups click into your group
  3. Click the Files tab
  4. To upload a file - click Add File
  5. To link a URL - click add URL
    1. This is helpful if there are useful website links you wish your group to always have access to