Enable Teachers, Staff and Students to Assign/Create Hall Passes

Change the settings to enable Teachers, Staff and/or Students to have the ability to assign and create Hall Passes.

Permission Level: Owner


Video Tutorial:

Step by Step:

  1. Login from your computer (https://app.minga.io)
  2. Go to Hall Pass from the main menu
  3. Navigate to the Settings tab
  4. Toggle Teachers Can Assign Hall Passes, Staff Can Assign Hall Passes, Teachers / Staff Can Add Notes to Hall Passes, Teachers / Staff Can View Reports for Their Hall Passes, Teachers / Staff Can Bypass Blackout Schedules and/or Students Can Create Hall Passes on
  5. If desired, toggle on Must Assign a Teacher to a Pass and/or Students Can Manually End Their Hall Pass
  6. Set Maximum Student Created Hall Passes per Day & Maximum Number of Active Student Created Hall Passes
    *Pick high numbers to start so you can gather accurate data about your student's behaviours*
  7. Set Default Student Created Hall Pass Duration & Wait Time Between Student Created Hall Passes
  8. Set Default Student Hall Pass Duration and Wait Time Between Student Created Passes
  9. Done! Settings are saved automatically