Frequently Asked Questions

What is a Minga?

A Minga is when/where everyone comes together to achieve a shared goal for the betterment of the community.

Where is Minga hosted?

We partner with Google to host our platform and data in the Google Cloud. Google has world class availability, uptime and security to ensure the safety of our data for our students and schools.

Is content posted by students filtered and moderated?

Yes, we use industry leading artificial intelligence (AI) to filter and moderate content automatically - this removes 99% of inappropriate content that students might attempt to post. We utilize Sift Ninja to filter both content and context for things like bullying, racism, sexting and more. Sift Ninja operates in many languages including English, Spanish, Japanese and German.

Can you report content?

Anyone in your Minga can report offside content. Owners, Managers, and Teachers can delete content in real-time.

Can I try Minga out for free?

YUP! We offer a free, no obligation evaluation of Minga for your school. But be warned - you and your students are going to LOVE it. A trial typically lasts 15-30 days and can include the entire school. Or as many schools choose, you can opt to use a smaller group of students and educators during the trial. Click here to request a demo and evaluation!

What devices does Minga support?

Minga offers native apps for Apple iOS and Android devices. This covers 99% of smart phones in the market including: iPhone | iPad | Samsung | Google | LG | HTC | ZTE | Huawei 
You can also use Minga from a desktop or laptop with your favorite browser (we recommend Chrome).

Are there anonymous users on Minga?

We are committed to keeping Minga a safe place for everyone. Because of this approach, members are displayed by First Name, Last Initial (e.g. John D) in a Minga. There is some ability to update display names; this is managed through administrative privileges.

What about the Collection/Use/Disclosure of personal data?

Minga meets federal, provincial and state standards for data collection, storage and sharing. We never collect unnecessary information, and we never share it outside of your school or district including names or email addresses.

How do I get training for Minga?

We provide weekly training webinars for all our Minga schools, sign up to join one of our online sessions here.

What about inviting Parents to a Minga?

Invite parents to the platform as observers so they can see everything that’s going on at school. Give parents the information they need to have meaningful conversations with their kids about school.

What are Minga Kiosks?

Discover the new Minga Kiosks, designed to streamline hall pass and check-in management. Learn how they automate processes, provide a user-friendly interface, and enhance student autonomy. Read more