Manually assign praise and guidance behaviors to students

Minga Behaviors supports and rewards students while monitoring and reporting on guidance behaviors, & assigning consequences.

Permission Level: Owner | Manager | Teacher | Staff

Manually assigning behaviors or consequences to students

Step by Step:

  1. Go to My Tools in the Minga App
  2. Click Assign and select Praise, Guidance, or Consequence.
    1. 💡 Teacher's please click the Assign button for the your chosen behavior you want to give.
  3. Optional add note to students - explain why the student has received the behavior
  4. Click Next
  5. Select student(s) by scanning a student ID or Searching User(s) by Name or filter by Group, Grade or Role and hit Search
  6. Check off desired student(s) and click Add

🌟 We recommend starting with (1) point per Praise and (0) per Guidance as best practice. 

Assign from the My Class teacher dashboard - BETA

You can also choose to assign behaviors and/or hall passes right from the My Class dashboard if your school has enabled it. 

Reach out to if you do not have access to My Class yet. 

Watch our My Class introduction video