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On The Minga Roadmap

See what may be upcoming features and how to get early access.

We're excited to share what's coming next at Minga. Our roadmap is a peek behind the curtain, showcasing the amazing features we’re building just for you. Driven by your feedback and our passion for innovation, these updates are designed to make your Minga experience better, smoother, and more enjoyable. 

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Tardy Behaviour Management V2

Streamline your substitute teachers' workflow with Minga! Our platform standardizes access and role settings, enabling substitutes to seamlessly perform essential tasks without the hassle of delays or administrative burdens. 

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Direct SIS Integrations

Direct integration between Minga and your SIS will streamline tardiness data management, and enhance efficiency, achieving unprecedented automation for your management burdens.

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Substitute & Staff Management

Streamline your substitute teachers' workflow with Minga! Our platform standardizes access and role settings, enabling substitutes to seamlessly perform essential tasks without the hassle of delays or administrative burdens. 

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FlexTime Module Improvements

Enhances FlexTime management by providing streamlined registration, increased flexibility, improved tracking, and enhanced user experience, ensuring efficient and effective administration of activities.

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Events Overhaul

Revolutionizes event management by enabling seamless coordination, enhanced customization, detailed insights, and improved notifications, all designed to elevate efficiency and engagement. 

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Visitor Management 

Streamline your school visitor management process with instant background checks, digital IDs, pre-registration links, and visitor purpose identification, ensuring security and efficiency for parents, contractors, and volunteers while flagging unauthorized individuals.

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