Moderation: User Reported Content

Permission Level: Owner | Manager
On Minga, any member can report content. Reporting content is a way to flag or notify an Owner or Manager that something posted in their Minga may not be appropriate. 
When content is reported, the Owner or Manager will receive a notification. At that point, they should review the reported post and determine if any action is required. 
1. Visit the Moderation page in your Minga
 You will see a list of unresolved and resolved reports. The unresolved items list who reported the content.
Screenshot 2024-04-26 at 1.52.15 PM
2. View and Resolve
Open the post to review the content. By accessing the menu through the three dots on the right you are provided a few courses of action:
  • Close: this action will keep the post as unresolved
  • Delete & Resolve: this will delete the content from your Minga and mark the report as resolved (you will be prompted to confirm this action)
  • Keep & Resolve: this will keep the content live in your Minga and mark the report as resolved
Screenshot 2024-03-12 at 4.13.53 PM 
The Moderation page in your Minga will keep track of all the reported content and resolutions. You can at any time see that action taken in relation to the report.