Enable/Troubleshoot Push Notifications

How to enable notifications in Minga. If teachers or students aren't receiving notifications in Minga, here are some steps you can try.

Permission Level: All Users

Enable Notifications

Step by Step:

1. Log into Minga

2. Click on the Bell Icon Screen Shot 2023-09-21 at 2.03.33 PM in the top right of your screen

3. Click Allow when prompted

4. Log out and back in for changes to take affect


Troubleshooting Notifications

If a user isn't receiving push notifications, here are few things you can try!

Option 1 (In Browser)

Step by Step:

1. Click Lock icon next to app.minga.io in browser

2. Ensure Notifications are toggled on

3. If Notifications are toggled on try toggling them off and back on

4. Log out and back into Minga for changes to take affect

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Once notifications are enabled in the browser the user will be able to receive push notifications even when not signed into Minga! 

Screenshot 2023-10-03 at 5.06.00 PM

Option 2 (On Mobile)

Step by Step:

1. Go to Settings on your mobile device

2. Click Notifications and locate Minga

3. Ensure Notifications are toggled on

4. If Notifications are toggled on try toggling them off and back on

5. Log out and back into Minga for changes to take affect

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If these steps don't work, please try uninstalling and reinstalling the Minga app and going through the process to enable Notifications again.