Schedule a Hall Pass

If you know that a certain student(s) will need a Hall Pass issued for a specific date and time, you can schedule one to kick in automatically.

Permission Level: Owner | Manager | Teacher | Staff


Using this feature for early release of the entire football or cheerleading team is a great way to use scheduled Hall Passes!


Video Tutorial:

Step by Step:

  1. Go to My Tools in Minga and click Assign Hall Pass
  2. Select Hall Pass and Pass Duration
  3. Click Schedule for Later along the bottom
  4. Choose Start Date and Time and click Next
  5. Search or Scan for a student OR Filter by Group, Grade, or Role
  6. Check off desired individual(s)
  7. Click Assign

Cancel Scheduled Hall Pass or Start Manually

If you created a scheduled Hall Pass in error or wish to cancel it for any reason you can do that through the Hall Pass Manager Dashboard. You can also start the pass manually from there if you wish to start it early.


Video Tutorial:

Step by Step:

  1. Go to Hall Pass in Minga
  2. In the Dashboard tab under the filter dropdown select Scheduled
  3. Click either Start or Cancel
  4. Simple!