Add a Note When Checking a Student In for being Tardy or into an Area of Your School

Add a note to a check in reason to ensure accurate reporting and accountability across your school.

Permission: Owner| Manager | Teacher | Staff


Add a note when checking a student in or out in your school. For example add a note to a check in Tardy reason with the explanation. Or write a note for which test a student is making up in the Library. 

Adding a Note When Checking a Student In or Out 

Step by Step:

  1. Navigate to My Tools > Assign a Check In
  2. Select Reason and add a Note
  3. Click Next
  4. Search or Scan the ID 
  5. Check off the desired student and click Add

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View Check In Notes In Check In Reporting 

Step by Step:

  1. Navigate to Check In > Reports
  2. Select Check In History from drop down menu
  3. Select date range and/or reason type and click Apply filters
  4. Export List

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