Teacher Access to Student Profiles

How to view a student's profile from the My Class Dashboard

Permission Level | Teachers | Staff

Teachers can now view student's profiles from the My Class Dashboard

Step 1: Select My Class from the navigation toolbar

Step 2: Once you have loaded my class select a list from the user list dropdown


💡 You can select multiple lists to view at the same time


Step 3: Select a student via the profile icon inside the student card which will bring you to the student's profile dashboard

Step 4: Click back on the top left to move back to the My Class Dashboard


📣 If a student isn't included on your current user list,  you will not be able to view their profile you will only see their ID. 


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When in a student profile, teachers can view a student's FlexTime schedule and any behaviors the student has recently received.

To view behaviors, select the behavior tab from the top menu in the student's profile. This will show a list of behaviors tied to the student.


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To view a student's FlexTime schedule, select the FlexTime tab from the top menu in the student's profile. Once this is selected, the student's schedule will populate with their activities. 


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📣 This feature will need to be activated by your Minga Administrator for you to use it