1. Minga Support
  2. Digital ID Module
  3. Managing Minga Digital ID Cards

Upload Temporary Photos

If you don't yet have photos from your photographer for a particular student, Owners and ID Managers can choose to upload a temporary photo for individuals.

Permission Level: Owner | Manager | ID Manager
This can be done on either a desktop or mobile device. However, doing this on a mobile device is the quickest and easiest way!
Video Tutorial:
 Step By Step:
  1. Open the Minga App on your phone
  2. Click the Hamburger menu icon on the top right  Screen Shot 2022-09-15 at 10.22.51 AM
  3. Open the ID Manager and search for the student, or filter by Role or Grade
  4. Click on the 'No Photo Available' icon
  5. Click the camera icon to open your camera app
  6. Take a photo and tap Use Photo
  7. Make your selection and hit Save
  8. Done!
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This will now change the Status to 'Temp Photo'

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If you have already taken photos or have them saved to your desktop, you can go through the same steps and select that photo. You can also filter by Temp Photo and/or No Photo in the ID Manager Dashboard to see who needs to come in for retake day. 

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Minga Tips!
If you have the Community & Communication module - Create an event for retake day and upload your exported list to invite the students to the event...Maybe even schedule a Hall Pass to give students permission to leave class.