Find Out Which Students are Unregistered for FlexTime Periods and Register/Assign them by Class List

See which students are not yet registered for a FlexTime activity for your school's Flex Periods school or class-wide and register or assign them to a Flex Activity.

Permission: Owner | Manager

First: See How Many Students are Unregistered for Today's Flex Period in the FlexTime Dashboard. 

Step by Step: 

  1. Navigate to the Dashboard tab in FlexTime 
  2. Click on the number next to Not Registered underneath your desired FlexTime period 

Screenshot 2023-10-11 at 10.30.35 AM3. This will generate a list of students who have not yet been registered for that Flex Period and you can register or assign them to an activity by selecting them and clicking "Register or Assign". 

Screenshot 2024-06-07 at 2.00.42 PM

Second: See How Many Students are Unregistered for a Scheduled Flex Period through FlexTime Reports

Step by Step: 

  1. Navigate to the Reports tab in FlexTime 
  2. Select the FlexTime Unregistered report, date range, and the Flex Period and click "Apply Filters"
  3. Filter by User List such as that day's homeroom period to see if those students in the class have been registered for a Flex Activity or not. 

Screenshot 2024-06-07 at 2.18.56 PM

    1. From here you can assign or register a student to an activity by clicking "register or assign". 
    2. You can also export the list and email them by clicking "Export List"


*Please Note* Assigned students cannot be changed. Registered students can be registered to another FlexTime activity.