Jun 17, 2024 (7.1) Class list rostering, improved report filtering, Hall Pass workflow updates

Featuring enhanced hall pass controls, improved check-in processes, automatic user list creation, and user interface upgrades to optimize your school's experience and streamline daily operations.

Minga.io version 7.1 focuses on automatic rostering of class lists from your SIS, optimizing the hall pass system and improving the check-in process, along with several new features and enhancements designed to improve your experience. 

What's included in this release

System Integrations and Updates

  1. SIS Integration: Class rosters from your School Information System (SIS) will now create and update User Lists automatically, keeping data current without manual intervention.
    1. Automatically sync class lists or rosters via your Student Information System (SIS) 

New Hall Pass Workflow for Sending and Receiving Students

  1. Staff Created, Staff Approved Workflow: Staff and Teachers can now assign another staff member to approve a hall pass for a student, improving the process of sending students to and from class.
    1. Create Hall Passes that Require Approval from Another Teacher/Staff Member

Hall Pass Customization

  1. Hall Pass End Settings: You can now choose if a hall pass ends manually or automatically, depending on the type of pass. This makes managing hall passes easier and more flexible.

  2. Limit on Hall Passes: Schools can set a maximum number of hall passes a student can use per type. This helps prevent misuse and ensures fair use for everyone.

  3. Hall Pass Restrictions: You can now restrict certain hall passes for specific groups or roles, giving you better control over student movements.

  4. Disable Hall Pass Module: Administrators can temporarily disable the hall pass module to keep hallways clear when needed.

Reporting and Data Management

  1. Filter Reports by List: Improved filtering options in reports allow you to manage and review data more efficiently. You can now filter data based on specific lists for more targeted reports.

  2. Sort by Name: You can sort student data by first and last name in reports and dashboards, making it easier to manage.

Check-In Enhancements

  1. Show Photo During Check-In: Student photos can be displayed on scanning device during check-in to help verify identities.

  2. Scan Delay Mechanism: This feature prevents multiple scans within a short time to avoid duplicate records.

  3. Stickers on Profiles: Stickers are now more visible on student profiles, making it easier to identify achievements and roles.

Why These Updates Were Made

These updates are based on your feedback and are meant to make Minga more useful and easier to use. Here are some benefits:

  • Flexibility and Control: Setting hall pass limits and choosing how they end helps prevent misuse and ensures fair access.
  • Improved Security: Restricting hall passes and the ability to disable the module temporarily enhances school security.
  • Better Data Management: New filtering and sorting options make it easier to manage and review data.
  • Enhanced Verification: Including photos during check-in and preventing duplicate scans improves the accuracy and efficiency of the check-in process.

Key Points to Remember

  1. Setup Instructions: Make sure your administrative team configures the new settings according to your school’s needs. Setup guides are available for each feature.

  2. User Training: Encourage all staff to attend training sessions to learn about the new features. Training resources are available in the Minga Help Center.

  3. Monitor and Adjust: Regularly check how these new features are working and make any necessary adjustments to ensure they meet your needs.

Share Your Feedback

We’d love to hear how these new features are working for you. Please share your experiences and any suggestions for improvement. Your feedback helps us make Minga better for everyone.