Moderation Settings

Permission Level: Owner
Minga's Moderation engine is configured to catch offensive/inappropriate content before it is posted. Because of this, it is not uncommon for the Moderation engine to inadvertently flag content that isn't actually offensive/inappropriate. While you can override moderation decisions, you can choose to allow your users to override moderation themselves!

Configuring Moderation Settings

Your Minga's moderation settings can be found in the Settings tab of Settings.  
As an Owner, you can configure how moderation in your Minga works!
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  1. With both options enabled, all content flagged as offensive/inappropriate is blocked from being posted. 
With content blocking disabled, flagged content will only display a warning to the user. They are able to override it.
With both options disabled, moderation will not send warnings to your users, regardless of what is posted. This option is not recommended.

To override posts by other users, refer to  Moderation: Publishing Blocked Content