Teachers' Guide to Using Kiosk Mode

Learn how to manage and streamline hall passes and check-in processes for events and activities at your school.

Kiosk Mode lets schools use Minga without needing every student to have their own device. By placing a Chromebook, iPad, or any web-enabled device in a common area, students can easily create hall passes, Check In for events, and more. Teachers can issue passes, and hall monitors can verify them all from one device. 

Using Kiosk Mode for Hall Passes

Students can easily create and approve hall passes and teachers can still monitor and verify them. Teachers can still issue passes if that is your preferred workflow for your school. 

Securely logging into Kiosk Mode and turning it on is the first step to quickly managing hall passes ensuring students can only access authorized features.

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  • Go to your My Tools and Click Enable Kiosk Mode 
    • 💡 Don't forget your PIN! We suggest writing it down because you will need it to log out of Kiosk mode when you are done.
  • Click on Hall Pass.
  • Select all the available passes that apply > Click Enter kiosk mode
  • Type in the student's ID number > Click Enter.
  • Select the Hall Pass type and click > Create hall pass

Turning Notification Sounds ON/OFF

When a student is issued a hall pass a sound plays that tells you they were either granted or denied a pass with two distinct sounds.

You can also turn the sound notifications ON/OFF by toggling Enable audio notifications when you log into the Kiosk Hall Pass mode.


Showing Active Hall Passes

You have the option to display active passes on the home screen of your Kiosk device to help you keep track of where students are and why. 


You can turn this feature ON/OFF when you sign into Kiosk mode on your device and toggle ON/OFF to Show active hall passes.

Using Kiosk Mode for Check Ins

A Minga kiosk makes event check-ins easy and fast! It helps track who’s attending in real time, boosts security by ensuring only the right people enter, and provides instant updates and numbers for organizers. Plus, it’s convenient for everyone, cutting down on wait times and making the whole experience smoother and more enjoyable.

Securely logging into Kiosk Mode and turning it on is the first step to quickly managing Check Ins ensuring you can quickly manage off-campus lunches, flex periods, early dismissals, off-site trips, and more.

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  • Go to the My Tools Page.
  • Click the Kiosk Mode tile 
    • 💡 Don't forget your PIN! We suggest writing it down because you will need it to log out of Kiosk mode when you are done.
  • Click enter kiosk mode
  • Select the Kiosk type > Check In
  • Select all the available passes that apply > Click Enter kiosk mode
  • Type in the student's ID number > Click Enter.
  • Select the check-in type and click > Create Check In

Live Event Monitoring

Kiosks can be used in various locations such as the gym for assemblies, classrooms for after-school activities, or any other event location within the school.

To verify student check-ins:

  1. Log in to your Minga account
  2. Go to your Check-Ins dashboard to see that "Student A's" check-in has been recorded.
  3. Confirm Details and verify that the check-in type and time are accurate.

For detailed guides, you can refer to the following Minga support articles:

Editing your Kiosk 


  • Once you are in Kiosk mode you can edit the settings by clicking the three dots in the top right of your screen.
  • Enter your PIN.
  • Make your changes:
    • Select new hall pass types/check-in reasons 
    • Turn the notification sound ON/OFF
    • Show active passes ON/OFF
  • Click Enter kiosk mode

Signing out of Minga Kiosk - Requesting & Retrieving Your Pin

Exit Kiosk

When you need to sign out of Kiosk mode, follow these steps:

  1. Enter your PIN
    1. Click > Sign out
  2. If you don't remember your PIN you can request it
    1. You can request it by clicking "Request PIN to Email"
  3. Retrieve your PIN
    1. Navigate to your email, copy the PIN, and enter it in the exit kiosk mode. 


By enabling Kiosk Mode you agree to hold Minga Solutions Inc, it's subsidiaries and employees harmless for any and all risks or harm associated.