Checking and Importing Parent Information

This article discusses how to import parent information and how to check which parent information is attached to a student or students.

First Option for Importing Parent Information: Sync through Automatic Rostering

One Roster

Step by Step:

  1. Navigate to the Rostering tab in People Manager
  2. Configure automatic rostering settings for your SIS system
    1. Setting up Automatic Rostering with Your SIS
  3. Toggle on Roster Students
  4. Toggle on "Include primary parent contact info"
  5. Change the "Existing People" setting from "SKIP" to "UPDATE"
  6. Click SAVE


Step by Step:

  1. Navigate to the Rostering tab in People Manager
  2. Configure automatic rostering settings for your SIS system: 
    1. Setting up SFTP for Rostering
  3. Include Header Fields in your SFTP file for parent contact information 
    1. parentEmail
    2. parentPhone

Second Option for Importing Parent Information: Manual Upload

Step by Step:

  1. Set up your CSV or Excel file with these Header Fields: 
    Screenshot 2023-10-13 at 1.56.54 PM
  2. Navigate to the Manage People tab in People Manager
  3. Click on Import List
    1. Click on icon to upload CSV or Excel file
    2. Select "Student" as Default Role 
    3. Select "Update fields if they already exist"
    4. Check "First Row Contains Headers
    5. Select Header Fields for each column from the Minga drop down menu 
    6. Click "Import

Screenshot 2023-10-13 at 1.54.11 PM

Check the Parent Contact Information Attached to a Student

Option 1: Check an Individual Student or Students

Step by Step:

  1. Navigate to the Manage People tab in People Manager
  2. Search for the student 
  3. Click the "Edit Pencil" next to the student
  4. Check if the information is accurate: 
    Screenshot 2023-10-13 at 2.05.31 PM

Option 2: Download all Student Rostering Info

Step by Step:

  1. Navigate to the Manage People tab in People Manager
  2. Select Student for "Filter by Role"
  3. Click "Export List"
    Screenshot 2023-10-13 at 2.08.08 PM
  4. Check if the information is by accurate by opening the downloaded CSV and checking Parent Email and Parent Phone columns.