Launching Minga to Your School (rollout plan)

Launching Minga to your entire school is easy and efficient. Simply follow this plan and take advantage of some best practices.

Required Permission Level: Owner | Manager
Your active school community includes administration, teachers, staff and students. Engaging each group in the right order will help your Minga launch go smoothly and is sure to be a success!
Step 1: Setup your Minga Profile Page
A Minga Owner or Manager will have permissions to setup the <<Minga Profile Page>>. This will include the:
  • School Logo
  • School Name
  • School Address
  • Website URL
  • Phone Number
  • General Email Address
In addition, you can include other links to your school's platform such as Grades, Lunch & Meal Programs, Schedules, Forms, Social Media and more.
To access your Minga Profile Page, click the Minga logo (or your school logo) located at the top left of Minga.
To edit your Minga Profile Page, click the ellipsis(...) in the top right corner.
Screenshot 2024-04-17 at 2.38.37 PM 
Step 2: Get Administration on Board
The office administration team is likely responsible for a lot of the current school communication, managing student ID's and tracking student information. Their adoption and acceptance is key as they can make or break the successful rollout of a new platform. Bring them in early to ensure they understand that Minga will simplify and streamline student ID's, promote student involvement, help build school spirit and simplify school communication, which in turn will make their jobs a little bit easier.
How do you share Minga with students, staff and parents? You can find parent permission and notification forms <<here>>.

Step 3: Introduce Minga to Teachers and Staff

1. Send out an introduction email to all teachers and staff introducing Minga and the reasons for adding this platform as a tool to your school. You can find our Teacher's Welcome Presentation here:

Teacher's Welcome Presentation

2. Upload the list of teachers and staff to your Minga and they will receive invitations to join in their email inbox.
3. Join one of our training classes to review the basic features and functionality and ensure everyone gets logged in successfully and has a chance to ask questions or provide feedback. Our help documents and training videos are available to your through the Minga Help Center

Step 4: Bring in Student Leaders

You don't need a big assembly or special event to launch Minga to the students - a great place to start is with your student leadership community. Upload their information to People Manager and invite them to join your Minga. 
Meet with the Student Leaders and assign some simple tasks to help kick off student driven content in your Minga:
  1. Try out Digital IDs & Stickers: Try adding stickers to your student leaders' digital student ID's and get them to test them out. You can use our templated stickers or even create your own custom stickers.
  2. Add Events: Get a couple of students to add your school events and activities into Minga. Building out a school calendar in Minga really drives engagement and helps promote upcoming events. You can even test checking students in and out of ticketed events.
  3. Add Photos: There's great stuff happening at school every day such as sports, spirit activities or just random acts of kindness. Students are amazing at capturing photos of these events. Assign leadership students to snap and add photos for the next few weeks as Minga starts to launch. The more content that is available the more students will want to engage. 
  4. Start Conversations: Encourage your leadership students to tag others in their posts - a little extra attention can go a long way.

Step 5: Open the door for everyone

Upload the remaining students to join your Minga. You can find a guide on how to Upload a list of new users to your Minga. 
Now it's time to get your students to download the Minga app and sign on using their school email address with single sign on. Put up some posters and make a few introduction announcements about Minga to the school community.
Check out our Help Center for downloadable content to post around your school or share digitally. If you make Minga the primary communication and school spirit channel - everyone is going to use it. Once your school community has transitioned into using Minga you can start to back away from other online forms of communication.