Setting up Direct Messaging

Permission Level:  Owner
Direct Messaging in Minga is a great communication tool for your school. It can also be highly customized to ensure it is a safe environment for your students and community. 

What is Direct Messaging?

Direct Messaging in Minga allows your community to easily send messages to one another. Direct Messaging can be configured however you like! From allowing everyone to message each other, to only allowing students and teachers to message, there is a wide range of settings you can choose from!
Depending on the configuration, you can message either individual users or a selection of people at all once.

Configuring Direct Messaging

To access Direct Messaging settings for your Minga, navigate to Settings then Settings tab. 
When you first enable Direct Messaging, the only setting on by default is messaging between Owners, Managers, Teachers and Staff. Each subsequent option will allow you to adjust who can message who in your Minga.
For example, if I only wanted students and teachers to be able to message one another, I would turn on "Allow messaging between Students and Teachers/Staff/Owners/Managers". And perhaps Student Leaders need to message in order to organize events, so I could also turn on Allow messaging between Student Leaders.
With these settings enabled, Students would only be able to message people in the roles of Teachers/Staff/Owners/Managers.
If you need to, you can also remove Direct Messaging Permissions for specific users.